Kinetica.jl API
— Typeconditions = ConditionSet(Dict(
:C1 => ConditionType1(...),
:C2 => ConditionType2(...))
[, ts_update=nothing]
Container for all conditions in a kinetic simulation.
Conditions can be static or variable, and variable conditions can be gradient-based or directly usable.
Contains fields for:
- Symbolic representation of conditions (
) - Condition profile for each symbol (
) - Whether discrete rate constant updates are enabled for the conditions in this condition set (
) - Discrete rate constant update timestep, is
ifdiscrete_updates = false
Constructor separates condition profiles from their symbols and parses numeric profiles into StaticConditionProfile
s. Registers AbstractVariableProfile
s with Symbolics to allow for proper computation down the chain.
If ts_update
is provided as a keyword argument, creates tstops
arrays within each variable profile for use in discrete rate update simulations.
— Methodget_profile(cs::ConditionSet, sym::Symbol)
Gets the condition profile linked to sym
from cs
— Methodget_initial_conditions(conditions::ConditionSet)
Extract initial values of conditions from conditions
Returns an array of Pair
s linking Symbols to initial values. For AbstractStaticProfile
s, initial values are their static values. For AbstractVariableProfile
s, initial values are their X_start
— Functionisstatic(cs::ConditionSet[, sym::Symbol])
Determines if condition profiles in a ConditionSet
are static.
When a Symbol sym
is provided, only checks if the profile linked to this Symbol is static. If no Symbol is provided, checks is all profiles are static.
Determines if a given condition profile is static.
— Functionisvariable(cs::ConditionSet[, sym::Symbol])
Determines if condition profiles in a ConditionSet
are variable.
When a Symbol sym
is provided, only checks if the profile linked to this Symbol is variable. If no Symbol is provided, checks is all profiles are variable.
Determines if a given condition profile is variable.
— Methodget_tstops(cs::ConditionSet)
Retrieves a sorted array of unique time stops from all condition profiles in cs
Should be used for passing a unified set of time stops to a discrete rate constant update solver. Will throw an error if all condition profiles are static, as they have no tstops
— Methodget_t_final(cs::ConditionSet)
Retrieves the last necessary time point needed to encompass all variable condition profiles in cs
Will throw an error if all condition profiles are static, they have no set endpoints.
— Functionsolve_variable_conditions!(cs::ConditionSet, pars::ODESimulationParams[, reset=false, solver=OwrenZen5(), solve_kwargs])
Solves all variable condition profiles over the timespan in pars.tspan
Places all condition profile solutions in their sol
field. In the case of AbstractDirectProfile
s, this creates a DiffEqArray
to mimic the regular DiffEq solver interface.
If condition profiles already exist, they will not be overwritten unless reset=true
The solver
and solve_kwargs
arguments are used when solving gradient profiles. The OwrenZen5 solver has shown to be a stable, accurate solver capable of handling sudden gradient changes, and is a sensible default. solve_kwargs
is a Dict
of keyword arguments that get passed to the solve
call, with default state:
solve_kwargs=Dict{Symbol, Any}(
:abstol => 1e-6,
:reltol => 1e-4
These have been shown to be sensible defaults for most gradient profiles.
Static Condition Profiles
— TypeDefinition for static condition profile.
Conditions defined this way are static for the duration of a simulation.
Variable Condition Profiles
— Functioncreate_discrete_tstops!(profile<:AbstractVariableProfile, ts_update<:AbstractFloat)
Creates a custom array of time stops within profile.tstops
This array contains a time stop every ts_update
, but attempts to intellegently avoid unnecessary time stops in areas where they are not needed, i.e. when the given profile is stationary.
Directly Variable Condition Profiles
— Methodsolve_variable_condition!(profile<:AbstractDirectProfile, pars::ODESimulationParams[, reset=false])
Generates a solution for the specified directly-variable condition profile.
For profiles with direct functions, this requires calculating values for the specified pars.tspan
and wrapping them within a DiffEqArray
for compatibility with other interfaces (plotting, interpolation, etc.).
Arguments sym
, solver
and solve_kwargs
are provided for compatibility with unified callers, do nothing and should be ignored.
— TypeNullDirectProfile(; X_start, t_end)
Container for null direct profile data and condition function.
This condition profile should only be used for debugging, as it has a condition function which always returns the initial condition. If only this constant condition is required, StaticODESolve
should always be used with a StaticConditionProfile
instead of a VariableODESolve
with this condition profile.
Contains fields for:
- Condition function (
) - Initial value of condition (
) - Time to stop calculation (
) - Times for the ODE solver to ensure calculation at (
) - Profile solution, constructed by call to
— MethodNullDirectProfile(; X_start, t_end)
Container for null direct profile data and condition function.
This condition profile should only be used for debugging, as it has a condition function which always returns the initial condition. If only this constant condition is required, StaticODESolve
should always be used with a StaticConditionProfile
instead of a VariableODESolve
with this condition profile.
Contains fields for:
- Condition function (
) - Initial value of condition (
) - Time to stop calculation (
) - Times for the ODE solver to ensure calculation at (
) - Profile solution, constructed by call to
— TypeLinearDirectProfile(; rate, X_start, X_end)
Container for linear condition ramp profile data and condition function.
This condition profile represents a linear condition increase/decrease from X_start
to X_end
. Determines the simulation end time from the provided conditions and rate, then constructs the condition function (which is a linear y = mx + c function).
Contains fields for:
- Condition function (
) - Rate of change of condition (
) - Initial value of condition (
) - Final value of condition (
) - Time to stop calculation (
) - Times for the ODE solver to ensure calculation at (
) - Profile solution, constructed by call to
— MethodLinearDirectProfile(; rate, X_start, X_end)
Container for linear condition ramp profile data and condition function.
This condition profile represents a linear condition increase/decrease from X_start
to X_end
. Determines the simulation end time from the provided conditions and rate, then constructs the condition function (which is a linear y = mx + c function).
Contains fields for:
- Condition function (
) - Rate of change of condition (
) - Initial value of condition (
) - Final value of condition (
) - Time to stop calculation (
) - Times for the ODE solver to ensure calculation at (
) - Profile solution, constructed by call to
Gradient-Variable Condition Profiles
— Methodsolve_variable_condition!(profile<:AbstractGradientProfile, pars::ODESimulationParams[, sym=nothing, reset=false, solver, solve_kwargs])
Generates a solution for the specified gradient-variable condition profile.
For gradient-based profiles, this requires constructing an ODEProblem around their MTK-derived symbolic gradient expressions and solving over the timespan in pars
The ODE solver and the arguments passed to the solve()
call can be controlled with the solver
and solve_kwargs
arguments respectively. If sym
is passed a Symbol
, this will bind the solution result to that symbol in the underlying ODESolution
— TypeLinearGradientProfile(; rate, X_start, X_end)
Container for linear condition ramp profile data and condition gradient function.
This condition profile represents a linear condition increase/decrease from X_start
to X_end
. Determines the simulation end time from the provided conditions and gradient, then constructs the condition gradient function (which returns rate
for every timestep).
Contains fields for:
- Condition gradient function (
) - Rate of change of condition (
) - Initial value of condition (
) - Final value of condition (
) - Time to stop calculation (
) - Times for the ODE solver to ensure calculation at (
) - Profile solution, constructed by call to
— MethodLinearGradientProfile(; rate, X_start, X_end)
Container for linear condition ramp profile data and condition gradient function.
This condition profile represents a linear condition increase/decrease from X_start
to X_end
. Determines the simulation end time from the provided conditions and gradient, then constructs the condition gradient function (which returns rate
for every timestep).
Contains fields for:
- Condition gradient function (
) - Rate of change of condition (
) - Initial value of condition (
) - Final value of condition (
) - Time to stop calculation (
) - Times for the ODE solver to ensure calculation at (
) - Profile solution, constructed by call to
— TypeDoubleRampGradientProfile(; X_start, t_start_plateau, rate1, X_mid, t_mid_plateau, rate2, X_end, t_end_plateau[, t_blend])
Container for double condition ramp profile data and condition gradient function.
This condition profile represents two condition ramps with adjustable condition plateaus before, after and in between the ramps, i.e.
------ X_mid
rate1 / \
/ \ rate2
X_start ---- \
----- X_end
The profile starts at X_start
and maintains that value for t_start_plateau
. The condition then ramps with gradient rate1
to condition value X_mid
. This value is maintained for t_mid_plateau
. The condition then ramps with gradient rate2
to condition value X_end
. This value is maintained for t_end_plateau
until the calculated time t_end
To smooth out gradient discontinuities, a blending time t_blend
can be passed to linearly interploate between plateaus and ramps, forming a smooth function of time. Larger values of t_blend
yield smoother functions but decrease accuracy of the ramps, so should be used carefully.
— MethodDoubleRampGradientProfile(; X_start, t_start_plateau, rate1, X_mid, t_mid_plateau, rate2, X_end, t_end_plateau[, t_blend])
Container for double condition ramp profile data and condition gradient function.
This condition profile represents two condition ramps with adjustable condition plateaus before, after and in between the ramps, i.e.
------ X_mid
rate1 / \
/ \ rate2
X_start ---- \
----- X_end
The profile starts at X_start
and maintains that value for t_start_plateau
. The condition then ramps with gradient rate1
to condition value X_mid
. This value is maintained for t_mid_plateau
. The condition then ramps with gradient rate2
to condition value X_end
. This value is maintained for t_end_plateau
until the calculated time t_end
To smooth out gradient discontinuities, a blending time t_blend
can be passed to linearly interploate between plateaus and ramps, forming a smooth function of time. Larger values of t_blend
yield smoother functions but decrease accuracy of the ramps, so should be used carefully.